“Let’s get PrAiZeY”!! When was the last time you had a dance floor and DJ in your sanctuary? Exhilarat!on Tour - A Ladies Praise & Power Encounter by CarineMusic is an electric, multi-media praise movement! A one night, life-giving event with dancing, joy, powerful praise and worship, teaching, live testimonials with interpretive dancing, and of course, anointed prayer ministry. Carine's heart is in every element of this power-packed night to allow for God's daughters to experience break-out joy and His loving power. God’s Presence is obvious and often tangible at Exhilarat!on!

Carine is an inspirational recording artist who loves to write and record original songs, such as her latest single “Hallelu,” co-written and produced by Israel Houghton. “Praise God He is Good” is her life’s theme song. Much of the music featured at Exhilaration Tour, the praise movement Carine founded, is written and produced by Carine and DJ/Producer Mark Thomas. Pursuing God's Presence is the driving force behind the ministry portion of her music. You can find Carine’s music on all streaming platforms and throughout this website! Be prepared to praise!

Carine (aka spunky bling-bling girl) is a stay-at-home mom, songwriter, worship leader and speaker with infectious energy and a passionate heart for God. Located in Metro Detroit, Carine carries a new sound of praise with a life giving message of power and exhilaration!
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